hits since
Numerologist (Numberologist) since 1982. President of Triune-Being Research Organization Ltd since 1984. Manufacturer of The Kirlian Aura Kamera™ since 1985.Colin Maxwell is a graduate of Southampton University England obtaining his Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering and has recently obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree (with distinction) in Psychology from the University of Alberta Canada. He has also held various teaching research and managerial positions in England Canada and the United States. Colin’s interest in the study of mathematics as applied to mind was originally sparked when he was director of the Shiloh Research Centre in Iowa producing a mathematically restored translation of the Bible from the original ancient languages. Fifteen years ago Colin co-founded Triune-Being Research Organization Ltd. with Dr. Agnnes Kraweck the originator of the “Aura for Health”wellness program. Colin has lectured appeared on and hosted radio and television programs across North America explaining the mathematical principle and its relevance to all aspects of life. He is also involved in collecting research data which has already confirmed how the influence of numbers plays an essential role in our lives. Colin has also been involved in the local community and was recently president of a non-profit community sports organization.
Colin Maxwell
email: triune@triune-being.com
Modalities: LifeElectric.com Speaker,Numberology,Numerology,Kirlian Camera Manufacturer,Health Food Retail,Health Food Wholesale,Aura Camera Manufacturer,Kirlian Researcher,
Independent researcher and graduate from Donsbach University School of Nutrition (California). Agnnes is a world traveled international lecturer well known to radio and television audiences. She works closely with other researchers scientists medical doctors chiropractors psychiatrists and psychologists researching human energy mental stress and nutritional imbalances and their effects on the body. Agnnes has presented papers at the Educational Conference at the University of Saskatoon Quester Conference at the University of Victoria B.C. Indian Affairs Education Conference in Saskatoon Manner Clinic in Tijuana Mexico
Agnnes Kraweck
email: Agnnes@triune-being.com
Modalities: Kirlian PhotographyKirlian Camera DistributorKirlian ResearcherNutritionNutrition TherapyVibrational MedicineAura PhotographyAura Therapy
MIDNIGHT SUN ASTROLOGY Personal taped chart readings by a Canadian astrologer. Insightful interpretations and forecasts plus printed astrology reports, Astro*Carto*Graphy Explained, Time Line, Astro Talk, Sky Within, Skylog, Friends Lovers and Relating and FREE astrology chart offer. Secure online payment.
email: shironna@shironnamidnightsun.com
Modalities: Astrology Consultations,
My name is Tena known as Mountain Dreamer. I am a practioner of Geotran, sacred touch, dream/color therapy, Reiki and kirilian photography. May peace and joy travel within you on your journey.
Tena - Marie Zatylny
email: j.z@sk.sympatico.ca
Modalities: ,
Toni Delgado MS and Dr Kelley Elkins are the exceptional human beings who are 'A Next Step...light center for emotional healing'. A Next Step is a superlative healing, learning experience. People are gently, lovingly and compassionately taught to overcome upsetting thoughts, feelings, life experiences, pain and dis-ease. Dynamic simple tools and techniques are learned quickly which raise self esteem and self confidence. This in turn improves all relationships to all systems within (including the immune), to all parts of self and others.This leads to absolute enthusiasm, zest for life and radical aliveness. Having choice; being able to decide what we desire in any given moment is our God given birthrite. Yet many of us do not recognize this due to our habits of belief about ourselves, about our lives and about our function or purpose here. These habits are patterns we took in from others when we were infants children. Many of these habits are thoughts/decisions that fall short of the energy of our Seed of Greatness. We can as adults question these habits of belief and redefine them. In this process of redefinition, we become the author and director. And this time the experience is a conscious, mindful, delicious adventure and journey, instead of high drama or mundane drudgery. We invite you to meet with us for a free consultation in person or over the phone. Phone appointments, individual, group sessions, seminars and intensives are available. Free monthly newsletter "Tools for Conscious Awareness". Also available ebook "Free-Ways to Higher Conscious"
Dr Kelley Elkins
email: kelley@anextstep.org
Modalities: Spiritual Healing,
My business is called Celestial Wellness. I do both Reiki and Reflexology.
Barb E. Fischer
email: fischerb@cadvision.com
Modalities: Reflexology,
Astrology readings which will provide insight into the emotional and soul issues operating in your life, and will assist you in your search for self understanding, spiritual growth, and expanded awareness.
email: astrology@moonlitpathways.com
Modalities: Astrology Consultations,
A consulting and counselling service for personal development and spiritual growth. Counselling: Sudden Wealth Syndrome
Robert J. Keulers
email: robertkeulers@hotmail.com
Modalities: ,
email: test
The body is electromagnetic and is disturbed at a cellular level due to stress anxiety fear or shock. Dis-ease means the body is not at ease. When the memory of the aforementioned causes are cleared the body restores itself electromagnetically and returns to radiant health. Kanttie Panchmmatia presently incorporates into his practice meditation therapy; the knowledge and wisdom of the ancient literature or Ayurveda; the philosophy of Dr. Ernest Holmes the founder of the Science of Mind; Dr Samuell West DN ND chemist and lymphologist and Author of Golden Seven Plus One; and Deepak Chopra MD.
Kanttie Panchmmatia
email: kanttie@electrifycells.com
Modalities: Energy Balancing
Student of nursing Currently I am doing experiments with the egely wheel in conjunction with kirlian photography, in the area of chi cultivation and healing.
Mathew Shields
email: barebow@hotmail.com
Modalities: Kirlian Researcher,
#61623; Huna Kane bodywork Huna Kane is a Hawaiian term that means inner knowing of your Higher Self, your inner Spirit. Connecting with your Higher Self allows for the re-awakening of your spiritual abilities and gifts. Huna Kane strengthens, balances and unites the intuitive and logical minds. Clients often have revelations, and they leave the sessions feeling harmony, balance, and peace. The practitioner meditates on a set of symbols from the Kofutu Touch Healing system (www.Kofutu.com). This allows for the client to access a state of mind that encourages spiritual development. Basically, they have the opportunity to align with their highest potentials. It is common for clients to become aware of visions, ideas, and insights about their life situations and how they can take action to make desired changes. The energy balancing also comes from the Dance of Creation that is applied to the body in massage-like movements. This clears fear patterns, tension, and stress from the body and mind. Old emotions and beliefs that were stored throughout the body transform into positive thoughts that are based on universal truths. As a result, people connect with their true essence. People feel relaxed, as the energy flow in and around the body is re-established. This opens to the flow of universal life force energies. In Huna Kane sessions, clients are guided through meditative journeys in order to access the unconscious mind and the Higher Self. As a result, wisdom is gained from past experiences and old emotional issues are resolved. Then, people become clear on how to make new choices based on their new perspective.
EMF Balancing Technique® energy work The EMF Balancing Technique® is an energy system that balances and strengthens the electromagnetic field (EMF) that surrounds and permeates the body. This supports a person to open and connect to the universal energy field. Each session provides a powerful realignment within a person's energy anatomy allowing it to carry a higher level of energy. As you hold these higher vibrations of energy you will find that conditions that are out of balance simply fall away. In a sense it is like reminding a person of their body's natural energy structure. (www.emfbalancingtechnique.com)
Sandy Hamlin
email: hunakane@accessweb.com
Modalities: Energy Balancing,Huna,
Family Practice physician with special interest in auricular medicine and Dr. Michael Adams' Steps to Healing using homeopathics, herbs, and qigong.
Linda S. Cheek
email: lcheek@i-plus.net
Modalities: Acupuncture : Auricular,
The 2002 International Conference on Science and Consciousness. Investigate the space between ordinary and non-ordinary reality, expand personal awareness and participate in the exploration of consciousness from multiple perspectives. Fritjof Capra, Rupert Sheldrake, Peter Russell, Matthew Fox, Elizabeth Targ, William Tiller, Paul Von Ward, Leonard Shlain, Kay Gardner, and many more. April 26 - May 1, 2002 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA ph: 505-474-0998; fax: 505-471-2584; email: message@bizspirit.com; website: www.bizspirit.com
The Message Company
email: office@bizspirit.com
Modalities: Book Store,
We are Electrical; everything we do,eat,think, feel and drink affects us electrically. From atoms to organs, the human body depends on its electrical systems to sustain life. Electrical Nutrition involves supporting all the electrical systems in the body with extremely high-quality nutrients, as found in the very precise formulations available at Avena Originals.
Please contact me , would love to share Health and Wellness with you. phone: 780-435-5787
Merle Rowe
email: bosbent@telusplanet.net
Modalities: Nutrition,
Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read about me. I am what people would call a psychic. It is hard to desribe to people what it is that we do.. I was born with the gift of being able to see and hear things most other people can not... With the help of guides and angels I am able to read tarot, angel and animal totem cards as well as trance channel an elder be-ing whom has given the name "Black Kettle". With the help of the guides and angels we can also help you to pick healing crystals.. to help you. With the help of your guides and angels we can help you to understand how to help you heal from within... REMEMBER we are only here to help guide you and sometimes point you in the right direction. If you wish to contact me you can do so either by email address : sunrisehealer@hotmail.com or by phone : 780-568-4870. Many blessings to you and yours.
email: sunrisehealer@hotmail.com
Modalities: Psychic,
April Lortie Reiki Master/Teacher is honoured to offer holistic services such as Reiki, EMF (TM) Balancing, Transformational Breathwork, and Shamanic Counseling in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Reiki I/II and III/ART and Master level classes are available by request or on schedule. Please call (204)-284-1961 for more information or the schedule an appointment.
April Lortie
email: hhl@mb.sympatico.ca
Modalities: Reiki,
Neurosciences of Consciousness. Epistemological, theoretical and practical integration of brain, mind, consciousness and identity.
Ricardo Rojas
email: labrador@amauta.rcp.net.pe
Modalities: ,
1111 Spirit Road provides a warm and safe environment for individuals who want to move forward on their Spiritual Journey. Through Spiritual Guidance, teachings, clairvoyance, and fun interactive Spiritual games, people can come and spend time at each page, guiding them through their own unique journey to awareness and clarity. Please allow Joseph to welcome you personally by viewing his welcome video at 1111spiritroad.com WHERE SPIRITUALITY BECOMES PHYSICAL.
email: webadmin@1111spiritroad.com
Modalities: Counselling: Spiritual,
Jeannine Berkeley is a Vancouver-based Registered Massage Therapist who is dedicated to helping her patients restore their bodies to the optimal physical condition. Her Web site contains both information about her training and her practice, information about massage therapy in general, and even, gift certificates for massage. Visit www.myRMT.ca today to learn more.
Jeannine Berkeley
email: jberkeleyrmt@stepcast.com
Modalities: Massage,
April Lortie is honoured to be a healing facilitator. She is an experienced Intuitive Counselor, Reiki Master/Teacher, Advanced EMF Balancing Technique Practitioner, Huna Kane Massage Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Transformational Breathwork Facilitator. She brings the aspect of Universal understanding and respect for individual process to her work. May we all walk the path of love! Namaste!
April Lortie
email: hhl@mb.sympatico.ca
Modalities: Reiki,
Self-awareness counseling based on self-knowledge, empowering self, living on purpose, conscious living, holistic healing of body-mind-spirit, online counseling for trauma, grief, death, divorce and disappointments, living and creating a life of joy, peace and abundance, expressing your natural, unbounded and fearless Self...
email: mita(at)seek2know.net
Modalities: Counselling: Spiritual,
kindly let us know the models of kirlian camera models and prices and terterina specto optho camera by russina dr terterina
email: medimetric@hotmail.com
Modalities: Kirlian Camera Distributor,
Dr Tariq Kahn holds a Doctoral degree in Technology, a Masters Degree and a B.Sc(Engineering) degree in Electrical Engineering and is a researcher in Biotechnology, Opto-electronics and electrical phenomena that interact with living systems. His co-researchers include Mr Sydwell Williams who does Kirlian instrumentation research, using the most up to date technological modelleling and simulation and testing in order to better understand this phenomenon and finding responsible and useful applications for it. Our aim is to eradiacte the "myths" that have been formed by novices that misunderstand this phenomenon and use it to make untested interpretations.
Dr M T E Kahn
email: khant@pentech.ac.za
Modalities: Kirlian Researcher,
I am a Spiritual Clairvoyant. I am committed to giving my clients honest and truthful readings. I use a combination of Aura Reading, Tarot Cards and Spirit Guide communication. As a professional psychic,I adhere to a strict code of ethics. I look forward to being of spiritual service to you.
Sheila Scott
email: sheilascott@psychicsdirectory.com
http://www.keen.com/ANGEL HEART 333
Modalities: Psychic,
PAST LIFE THERAPY WORKS! By releasing subconscious past life patterns, we can LIVE more fully in this one! I am certified as a Past Life Therapist by the International Association Of Past Life Therapists. I look forward to accompanying you on your journey of self discovery and healing. Please visit my website for a complete listing of the other spiritual services that I offer. NAMASTE! And MANY HAPPY RETURNS! Sheila
Sheila Scott
email: change_times@msn.com
Modalities: Past Life Therapy,
Multi-modality healer in the Toronto area. Reiki,Vibrational Medicine, Counselling (In-person/Phone/On-line), Aura Photography, Kirlian Photography.
Love and Light Michael
email: lightworker@rogers.com
Modalities: Vibrational Medicine,
Patricia is a Certified Reiki Master/Teacher of the Usui tradition of Reiki and a registered Master/Teacher of Karuna Reiki. She is an advanced level practitioner of the EMF Balancing technique, as well as a certified therapist of Hot Stone Massage and reflexology. Patricia started her training some 10 years ago and has experienced many personal life changes along the way. She is a caring and compassionate therapist that believes healing comes through empowerment of the self. Patricia is dedicated to assisting others in acheiving there ultimate life potential and optimal level of health.
email: lightweaver63@yahoo.com
Modalities: Healing,
One-On-One Mentoring and Transformational Counselling.
When you are ready to transform yourself and your world, I am here to help.
Ready For Transformation? Take Your Next Step
"If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path." (Joseph Campbell)
"The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it." (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus)
Clarity Transformational Counselling
email: faery@uniserve.com
Modalities: Life coaching,
Blackwater Publishing is dedicated to providing quality ebooks focusing on the Mind, Body and Spirit.
In these rapidly changing times, many people are feeling disconnected from each other and from themselves. It is our desire to offer ebooks that not only give you practical real world ways to reconnect the Mind-Body-Spirit with in you, but also inspirational fiction stories and poetry to replenish your spirit.
Ellen B. Parker
email: ebooks@blackwaerpublishing.com
Modalities: Book Store,
Lightworlds.net is a company that works with a vision of the bigger picture, incorporating respect and balance in all things. Business with a heart. Lightworlds is pppromarily an etheric healer and holistic advisor. Therefore our products are promoted from direct personal expereince and use and are the highest and the best Essential Energetics for balance and regeneration. "Natural Herbal Energy Products from the Amazon Rainforest and EMF products, with trace minerals for enhancing your energy and restoring your bodies natural healing ability. The highest and the best products for gently detoxifying your systems and whole body nutrition"
Anna Le-Grie
email: lightworlds@sympatico.ca
Modalities: Vibrational Medicine,
